Gender inequality cuts across all aspects of life and all sectors. In the energy sector, ESMAP helps strengthen women’s roles as consumers, employees, and entrepreneurs.

ESMAP gender activities aim at:

• Improving female workforce participation in the energy sector

• Improving women’s productivity and livelihoods

• Improving women’s access to modern energy services that meet needs






The World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), with the support of the United Kingdom (UK) government, has developed a digital toolkit to promote and increase the participation of women in energy utilities. This CSW67 side event will serve as a platform to present the Women’s Employment in Energy Sector Utilities Toolkit to a global audience. The toolkit is designed to serve as an educational tool to bolster women’s employment in energy utilities in developing countries. This resource links to free, publicly available information aimed at addressing the barriers identified in the Stepping Up Women’s STEM Careers reports. The toolkit contains four modules, each thematically focused. The first module addresses setting up a data-driven program and strategy with achievable targets; modules 2-4 focus on overcoming barriers to increased women’s employment according to the stage of a woman’s career.






Gender Equality in the Off-Grid Solar Sector


The off-grid solar (OGS) sector has the potential to increase universal access to energy, alleviate poverty, support economic development, and increase gender equality. Nevertheless, although considerable advances have been made in closing gaps in access to energy, women’s presence in the sector as consumers and active participants in OGS value chains remains limited. This Gender Equality and Off-Grid Solar Operational Handbook responds to sectoral needs by providing operational guidance based on case studies demonstrating promising approaches to closing gender gaps in the OGS sector.












ESMAP Gender and Energy Indicators


The ESMAP Gender and Energy Program and RISE created a database on gender-related indicators relevant to the energy sector. The energy sector plays a critical role in promoting gender equality, as access to energy, both electricity and clean cooking, has a direct impact on women's economic empowerment, poverty reduction and shared prosperity. There remains a lack of comprehensive and up-to-date data and information on gender-related indicators in the energy sector, making it challenging to understand the magnitude of gender gaps, monitor progress on program implementation and inform future policy decisions. The Energy and Gender database has been created to address this issue.







Understanding the Interaction between Gender, Energy, and Forced Displacement


Women bear the greatest burden from energy poverty, and forced displacement further entrenches gender inequalities. This Live Wire aims to advance our understanding of how energy access can help bridge gender gaps in displaced settings to ensure equitable and true universal energy access for all. Energy is indispensable for powering economic opportunities and providing basic services two key pathways out of poverty. Electrical connections alone will not suffice; women must have the capacity, tools, and resources they need to fulfill their potential in a severely constrained environment.






Opening Opportunities, Closing Gaps: Advancing Gender-Equal Benefits in Clean Cooking Operations


At the current rate of ambition, the world will fall short of achieving SDG 7 by 2030. Slow progress toward access to clean cooking solutions has significant negative impacts on women (for example, harm to health from exposure to household air pollution; safety hazards; and the opportunity costs of fuelwood collection, fuel preparation, and inefficient cooking). This report introduces task teams and other practitioners to the key arguments, opportunities, and practical steps for integrating gender considerations into clean cooking programs.




Applying a Gender Lens to Clean Cooking: The Hidden Side of Energy Access 2.0 (Self-paced)


At the Clean Cooking Forum 2022, ESMAP launched the second module of the clean cooking e-course The Hidden Side of Energy Access 2.0: Applying a Gender Lens to Clean Cooking, a joint learning product developed by ESMAP, in close collaboration with the Gender Global Practice of the World Bank. This module aims to deepen key learnings from the introductory course and to highlight gender, a core aspect of the clean cooking sector, in a more focused way. This e-course provides an opportunity for participants to understand the linkages between gender and clean cooking through engaging in various interactive exercises, readings, and quizzes to understand and apply key concepts. A launch video was also released for this course.


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