
Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Belo Horizonte

The city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, has taken a number of steps to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability and efficient use of energy. In 2009, the city conducted a greenhouse gas inventory, which is now being updated and used to create a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan. Belo Horizonte has also created a Sustainable Buildings Certification Program, switched all public lighting to efficient sodium vapor lighting, and changed all traffic lights to safer, more efficient LED lights. The utility responsible for public cleaning services, waste collection, and treatment generates electricity using biogas from the landfills. The water utility also generates electricity by using biogas from the wastewater treatment process. 


As part of its commitment to sustainability, Belo Horizonte has partnered with the World Bank and the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) to use the Tool for Rapid Assessment of City Energy (TRACE), a strategic tool for municipal energy efficiency planning. Belo Horizonte is the first city in Latin America to implement TRACE.

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