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ESMAP @ COP28; launching the Scaling Hydrogen Financing For Development Executive Summary; and Unlocking The Energy Transition | Guidelines For Planning Solar-Plus-Storage Projects.

Hydrogen Financing event at cop28

ESMAP Present at the 2023 World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings; Renewable UK Global Offshore Wind Awards; launching Power with Full Force; From Sun To Roof To Grid | Power Systems And Distributed PV; and othes.

ESMAP Brochure cover

Gender inequality cuts across all aspects of life and all sectors. In the energy sector, ESMAP helps strengthen women's roles as consumers, employees, and entrepreneurs.

ESMAP's strong presence at COP27 included participation in more than twenty events in energy access, unlocking renewables,…

ESMAP & Lighting Global Jointly with IFC & GOGLA Held the…

ESMAP delivers the World Bank’s most comprehensive and authoritative…