
PAST EVENT | LAUNCH EVENT | WEN-AFRICA Workshop: Igniting Change for Africa's Energy Future | February 21-22, 2024

Kigali, Rwanda: Africa's energy landscape is poised for a transformative shift as the Women in Energy Network Africa (WEN-AFRICA) gears up for its official launch on February 21st and 22nd in Kigali, Rwanda. This landmark event convenes a powerful array of stakeholders – from government officials and industry leaders to passionate advocates and rising changemakers – all united by a common goal: empowering women to drive a more sustainable and equitable energy future for the region.

WEN-AFRICA will be the catalyst of change for the Africa’s energy landscape. Recognizing the untapped potential of women in the energy sector, it aims to dismantle barriers and pave the way for their leadership. Through powerful networking opportunities, targeted capacity building programs, and unwavering advocacy for equal access to energy, WEN-AFRICA is poised to unlock a wave of innovation and progress.

The Launching Workshop promises to be a dynamic platform for collaboration and action. Key discussions will center around:

  • Fostering a culture of inclusivity
  • Building capacity and skills
  • Promoting equitable access
  • Championing sustainable solutions

The anticipated outcomes of the WEN-AFRICA Launching Workshop are far-reaching. By fostering collaboration, igniting innovation, and driving concrete action, the event has the potential to:

  • Increase the representation of women in leadership positions within the energy sector, leading to more diverse and effective decision-making.
  • Unlock the economic potential of women: Empowering women entrepreneurs and innovators to drive sustainable energy solutions and create new jobs.
  • Enhance energy access and security: By addressing gender disparities in energy access, WEN-AFRICA can contribute to improved energy security and development for all.

As Africa seeks to chart a sustainable and equitable energy future, WEN-AFRICA's commitment to empowering women is a beacon of hope. With the collective efforts of the diverse stakeholders gathered in Kigali, this event has the potential to lighten up a brighter future for the region, powered by the ingenuity and leadership of women.