
PAST EVENT | Geothermal Energy: Empowering Development Beyond Electricity Generation | May 28-30, 2024
Venue: Reykjavik, Iceland


HIGHLIGHTS: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3


The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) supports geothermal energy through two programs: Accelerating Decarbonization (AD) and the Sustainable Renewable Energy Mitigation Initiative (SRMI), as outlined in the FY21-24 business plan. These initiatives aim to cultivate a pipeline of sustainable geothermal projects, recognizing its pivotal role in electricity generation, heating, and cooling. Emphasis has been placed on providing upfront support to mitigate risks and foster the development of sustainable projects. 


ESMAP hosted a side event at the International Geothermal Conference (ICG) in Reykjavik from May 28 - 30, 2024. The conference, themed "Recreate Your Society – Geothermal for All," will be organized by the Icelandic Renewable Cluster. Bringing together experts from around the globe, the conference will address issues of particular relevance to the geothermal sector.


The main theme of the ESMAP Geothermal side event was “Geothermal Energy: Empowering Development Beyond Electricity Generation.” The agenda kicked off with opening remarks from Steingrímur Sigurgeirsson from the Icelandic Ministry of Foreign Affairs and followed by setting the stage on the role of geothermal direct use and the associated socioeconomic benefits with presentations by Stephanie Pinnington (ESMAP) and Carine Chatenay (Verkis). This was followed by panel discussion attended by both presenters, as well as Marit Brommer, CEO of the International Geothermal Association, and Rósbjörg Jónsdóttir, the Managing Director of the Icelandic Renewable Energy Cluster. Elín Hallgrímsdóttir (ESMAP) moderated the session. Five case studies of socioeconomic benefits sharing directly or through direct use were also presented: 

  • Bertha Arenivar Environmental Specialist at LaGeo El Salvador, discussed LaGeo’s Plan to Improve Gender Equality in the Geothermal Workforce
  • Frederick Apollo, Oserian Development Company, Kenya, talked about their Experience of Spearheading a Geothermal Industrial Hub in Kenya 
  • Hector Aviña, from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM) presented Advancing Geothermal Direct Use for Sustainable Food Production and Food Security
  • Ismoyo Argo, Supreme Energy, Indonesia, presented A Model for Sharing Benefits with Local Communities 
  • Jóhann Jónasson, CEO of Samey Robotic, Iceland, presented How to Advance Domestic Participation in the Value Chain


Altogether, the ESMAP event gathered over 20 participants from 11 countries. The ESMAP team, WB colleagues, and delegates contributed to the success of the program that inspired lively discussions.

In addition to the event, the ESMAP and WB team participated in various key sessions of the Conference either as speakers or as participants (see

Contact: Elin Hallgrimsdottir | Follow us on LinkedIn