
Renewable Energy Mapping
June 18 2012


Wind South Africa IRENA Global AtlasMapping national renewable energy resources is a crucial step in providing governments with information to support expansion of renewable power generation. ESMAP is funding country-level resource mapping for biomass, small hydro, solar and wind.


The ESMAP-funded projects are executed by World Bank operational units and cover comprehensive mapping and geospatial planning, including ground-based data collection. All data commissioned under this initiative will be made available to the Global Solar and Wind Atlas.


The initiative, approved in October 2012, is expected to run over four years, supporting at least 10 country level resource mapping and spatial planning studies. Co-funding at the project level is being actively pursued to expand coverage.

Partners: IRENA, NREL

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Country Studies

Country projects funded by ESMAP will be listed below as soon as they obtain internal approval:


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Photo Credit: SolarGIS (c) 2012 GeoModel Solar.


Oliver Knight.

Clean Energy  >  Resource Mapping