
Tracking SDG7: The Progress Report 2024


Since 2000, we've seen a remarkable jump from 78% to 91% in worldwide electricity access, despite population growth and upheavals like COVID-19 and the Ukraine conflict.

Yet, the journey is far from over. For the first time in a decade, the number of people living without electricity worldwide has increased: 685 million remain w/out electricity? 

“Electricity access is essential for development, and we need to work extra hard for the 685 million people deprived of this resource – 10 million more than the year before. There are solutions to reverse this negative trend, including accelerating the deployment of solar #MiniGrids and #SolarHomeSystems. The World Bank is actively working to support this acceleration, and jointly with the African Development Bank, we have committed to providing electricity to an additional 300 million people by 2030.” Guangzhe Chen, Vice President for Infrastructure, World Bank.


Press Release: English | French | Arabic | Video: English - with French Subtitles


WorldBank, IEA, IRENA, UNStats, & @WHO

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