H4D | Work Stream 3

Investment, financing, business models, and procurement


Green Hydrogen Organization Jonas Moberg and FCHEA Frank Wolak

  • Help prepare WS3 meetings 
  • Chair WS3 meetings 
  • Facilitate the timely completion of deliverables 
  • Report activities 
  • Support the dialogue related to WS3 with partners, observers and stakeholders 
  • Provide comments to analytical deliverables 

Deliverables and Timeline

  • Based on the survey, online meetings in 2023 and in-person meetings in New Delhi and Rotterdam, H4D partners agreed these deliverables for the next 12 months:
    1.  short paper on global best practices to define offtake (volume, price, duration, quality)
    2. provide comments to flagship report “Financing hydrogen in developing countries.”

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