H4D | Work Stream 1

Clean hydrogen technologies, infrastructure, and systems integration


RMI Thomas Koch Blank and Japan Hydrogen Association Toshihiro Aida

  • Help prepare WS1 meetings 
  • Chair WS1 meetings 
  • Facilitate the timely completion of deliverables 
  • Report activities 
  • Support the dialogue related to WS1 with partners, observers and stakeholders 
  • Provide comments to analytical deliverables 

Deliverables and Timeline

Based on the survey, online meetings in 2023 and in-person meetings in New Delhi, Rotterdam, and Santiago, H4D partners agreed on these deliverables: 

  1. Systems integration (macro) paper: “A systems perspective on green hydrogen in India” (supported by the India Hydrogen Alliance), plus a deep dive for SAF/PtL aviation fuel, still to be included in the paper.   To be completed in February, with some final consultations in March and to be discussed in our next H4D meeting, tentatively early April.
  2. Short paper on shared/enabling infrastructure (supported by RMI, CORFO, H2G) 

White paper on shared infrastructure for Chile will identify best practices on shared infrastructure relevant to the country, including Global hydrogen infrastructure needs.  Chile hydrogen and ammonia outlook and infrastructure needs; Infrastructure planning for hydrogen projects; Infrastructure case studies (drawing on roundtable discussions in Santiago). First draft ready by March and to be discussed in our next H4D meeting, tentatively early April.

  • A short paper on systems integration (supported by NREL)

  • A study tour to Sweden (supported by CH2ESS)


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