
Upscaling Mini Grids for  Least Cost and Timely Access to  Electricity Services

Event Booklet
Kenya Roundtable 2016 Participants list
Kenya Roundtable 2016 Photo Gallery
Mini grids 2016 presentations


Media Coverage

Organization and Contacts

The event is coordinated by Climate Investment Funds (CIF) and the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP); through the UK DFID-supported Global Mini Grids Facility. The $8.3 billion CIF provide scaled-up climate financing to 72 countries to pursue low carbon, climate resilient development.  ESMAP is a global knowledge and technical assistance program administered by the World Bank.

Angela Bekkers
Senior Communications Officer
Climate Investment Funds

Shaanti Kapila
Senior Knowledge Officer
Climate Investment Funds


Nansia Constantinou
Communications Officer
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program

Jon Exel
Senior Energy Specialist 
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program

African Development Bank Group
Asian Development Bank
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Inter-American Development Bank
The World Bank Group




ESMAP | Energy Access| Achievements | News | Blogs | Publications | Events | Upscaling Mini Grids for  Least Cost and Timely Access to  Electricity Services, Nairobi, Kenya