Low Carbon Country Studies: South Africa

Since 2007, the World Bank, assisted by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and ESMAP, has supported implementation of South Africa’s Long Term Mitigation Scenarios (LTMS), which itself was a collaboration between the Department of Environment and the University of Cape Town.


ESMAP-funded support to South Africa included an international peer review of the LTMS prior to its submission to the Cabinet and the provision of substantial technical assistance on energy efficiency, demand-side management, and power rationing in light of the urgency of these issues due to the acute power crisis which struck South Africa in January 2008.


This project is part of ESMAP’s support for low carbon development.












Summary Briefing:  Implementing Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management: South Africa’s Standard Offer Model


Summary Briefing:  Best Practices for Market-Based Power Rationing: Implications for South Africa


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